Wednesday, January 28, 2009

'Our children were killed and the driver walks away without a ticket': Anguished moms demand justice

This article discusses the death of two toddlers in Manhattan Chinatown. Streetsblog, which writes generally about improved transportation alternatives and reducing auto dependence, has framed this story as problem with the city's idling policy. Their article talks about the need to pass an upcoming bill at New York City Council that would reduce the legal idling time from 3 minutes to 1 minute when a vehicle is adjacent to a school.

This is how Rebecca Kalin of Asthma Free School Zone links this idling vehicle disaster and human health:
"Idling is harmful to health and environment; it's wasteful and against the law. Now, we can add "dangerous to pedestrians." The Chinatown tragedy might never have happened if the driver had simply turned the key."

1 comment:

nycmom99 said...

In 2004, the WHO declared World Health Day's focus road safety. They forecasted traffic related deaths to become the 3rd leading cause of death in the world in 2020. Once a child reaches the age of 9, injuries become the leading cause of death age 9-19... this tragedy is a sad reminder of these preventable statistics.