Sunday, November 23, 2008

Global health is “the new pink”

The Lancet Student Archive Global health is “the new pink”:
"...To effectively practice medicine internationally, a doctor should be more than a doctor. He should be the health system administrator, public health advocate, policy maker and implementer, the economist, and the voice of the people he is serving. In theory, an effective global health doc would have an MD, MBA, MPH, JD, and a PhD all in one! In practice, people simply don’t have the money to go through 15 years of post-graduate work to help an underserved population."


Ann Mizumoto said...

I kind of disagree with this article. We don't have to be an "all encompassing" person with tons of credentials to be effective in global health. There is no perfect, "one size fits all" program in global health, regardless of whether it comes from Harvard or not. Rather, I would think having a team of people with different skill sets and expertise is more effective to tackle very difficult global health problems. Some of the most effective global health practitioners are people without education - those who live the daily realities of starvation, destitution, pollution - and their life experiences can teach us (the educated people with credentials) how to resolve the challenges...

Unknown said...

Awesome, Ann! I'm so glad you brought that aspect up. That's the point of this class, right? To help researchers reach out of their ivory tower disciplines to work with each other? Because no one person or position can be all of these things.