Monday, November 24, 2008

The pitfalls of Africa's aid addiction

BBC NEWS | Africa | The pitfalls of Africa's aid addiction:
"Where I come from in West Africa, we have a saying: 'A fool at 40 is a fool forever', and most African countries have now been independent for over 40 years.

Most are blessed with all the elements to help compete on a global stage - abundant natural resources, a young population and the climate and conditions to be a major agricultural force.

And yet today, my continent, which is home to 10% of the world's population, represents just 1% of global trade. I have no doubt we have to take responsibility for our failures. We can't afford to keep playing the blame game.

But when 50 years of foreign aid has failed to lift Africa out of poverty, could corruption be the reason?

Could that really be all there is to it? [...]"

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