Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Concrete Is Remixed With Environment in Mind

This piece addresses the best of engineering: through research of a material (or problem) and its implementation on a case-by-case basis, optimal results are produced. In this article, one learns about the serious CO2 contribution inherent with cement production. However with abundant research, solutions do exist which can even render its production carbon neutral or even negative, thus helping combat today's overwhelming problem of climate change. Furthermore, its approach by using different "cement recipes" to meet present conditions, emphasize the sincere understanding and engineering mindset of customizing a solution to fit distinct problems -- problems which are still under the same discipline. This framework, if applied appropriately, is the same understanding much needed to confront poverty or any policy issue: which require distinguishing the problem and acknowledging that each case is different, with each one requiring a different solution, much like a "cement recipe".

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