Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Urban Childhood Conference

The New York Institute of Technology announces its fifth interdisciplinary conference, "Urban Childhoods," to be held Friday,March 6 on the Manhattan campus.

Registration is free but limited. Please email Jennifer Griffiths for details.

Schedule (Tentative)
9:30 a.m. Welcome. Registration. Coffee.
10:00 a.m. Panel: Race,Identity, and the Urban Child Dr. Sharron Greaves, Bronx CommunityCollege – "Black Sinner, White Saint?: Differing Screen Standards forPortrayals of Ethnic Inner City-Youth"Shamika Ann Mitchell, Temple University, "Urban Childhoods:Disappointment and Disenchantment in Louise Meriwether's Daddy Was aNumber Runner"Dr. Erin Winkler, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, "Learning Race,Learning Place: African American Children in Detroit"

11:30 a.m. Panel: Learning and Play SpacesDr. Stephen Charbonneau, Florida Atlantic University,"Observation/Action: Young Expressivity, Critical Literacy, and theEducational Video Center"Dr. Alan Feigenberg, City College, CUNY. "The City for Children:Critical Learning Through the Built Environment"Dr. Jennifer Griffiths, "From Crayons to Perfume: Critical Pedagogyand Urban Classrooms as Transformative Space in Popular Culture"

1 p.m. Lunch (provided by NYIT)/

Keynote Address "What Kind of City?What Kind of Childhood? Charitable Landscapes, Children, and Women inAmerican Cities" Marta Gutman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Architecture (History andTheory) School of Architecture, Urban Design, and LandscapeArchitecture The City College of New York/CUNY Licensed Architect

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