Monday, March 9, 2009

Gifts from Former Students

Before our class worked in groups or teams, individual case studies were required as final projects. Former student Maryann Fiebach, who later became the teaching assistant for Annie Feighery (and is now our friend, colleague, and co-author), asked her fellow students if she might post their case studies as examples for later classes. She modeled generous behavior (case study 1 is her own) and 10 former students sent her their case studies to post. I added these 11 case studies to our CourseWorks site under the session for this week, not so much for you to model your own team projects after, but as a way of appreciating how our ideas around interdisciplinary learning have evolved over time. Hopefully certain of the class discussions, postings, and discussions thus far will help you in thinking about and posing a "problem" to your teammates on Wednesday, and from your collective ideas, one will rise to the top as worthy of joint pursuit for the rest of the term. See you soon, Mary

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